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A.R. OBrien

Updated: Oct 11, 2022

Hold on to your Shirt!

There's nothing quite like the threat of having our safety yanked from us to make us want to pull our loved ones close and tell them that we love them.

Living on the East coast of North Carolina comes with it's own set of challenges. For one thing, there's always the potential threat of a hurricane from March-November, (at least it feels that way.) Two, there are so many good restaurants, breweries and distilleries around it's hard to choose where to go out to eat and/or drink. Three, there's so many beaches within an hours drive that it takes us half the day to decide which one we'll go to thus stealing away our beach time. (I could go off on a tangent here, but I won't.)

But back to the hurricane issue which I suppose should be the dominating point here. We have been hearing for a week about the potential storm and disaster that Sir Ian could bring with him in his mighty wake. He's officially had his way with Western Cuba and then he touched down again in Florida for a bit to give them a taste of his power before moving on to brush over Georgia and South Carolina with a mighty roar.

At the O'Brien House, We took down the trampoline, nailed down everything that wasn't already nailed down and picked up oodles of supplies to make it through whatever disaster he brings along as with him as he makes his entrance into our beautiful state. (I even made a run to the liquor store) just in case.

After all we wouldn't want to be left without liquor when we lose power, get windlashed, or have our windows blown out by his highness. I'm going to need a stiff drink to deal with whatever fallout is coming.

The night was quieter than it should be, the wind only mildly gusting as the rain came and went and now we sit still, waiting on edge for him to announce his arrival with a bang. So mild is it that I want to go to the beach and sit and watch the waves wash in but there just under the surface of the calm is the fear that at any moment Ian will pound down on our heads and shake us to our core.

Right now we're safe and I've hugged everyone and made sure they know I love them. The only thing left is to pour a drink 🍷🍻 Send loving prayers to those in disaster zones and secretly mourn that I might not get to meet Sir Ian after all but only see him as he soars above us on his way to his next touchdown.

Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful we're all safe and my heart goes out to those who aren't, but it's almost anticlimactic after the fear and anxiety of the past few days. I am however grateful for the reminder to pull in my loved ones and connect. For that reminder is always a good one. For now, we'll see y'all later and with a little luck we'll see you at the beach!!!

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