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Two Glasses In

I'm two glasses of white in tonight and wondering how I survived the long day. Between carpool for two of my son's at different times mind you, which entails four separate trips, working at a new manuscript for which I'm still toying with the name, and trying to keep up on phone calls, emails, and texts, also while dealing with a screaming four year old, I felt like a failure to say the least. I'm two glasses in however and now realizing just how much I actually did today which makes me a real live superhero.

Two glasses in I think that stepping back and owning that we all get busy, make mistakes and "fail" sometimes, and it doesn't make us weak. It makes us superheroes for holding ourselves to such a high standard. So, lift a glass, toast to yourself on a day well-lived, successful or not because we made it! We're still alive, and most importantly we'll get up tomorrow and keep going.

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